How to speed up the burning of fats in the body. How to make the body burn fat? Burn fat for weight loss! Use healthy sweeteners

Summer is a great reminder that I was supposed to lose weight by summer. ©

I'm sure it's not the first time you've tried (or at least thought about!) burn unwanted fat on the order of fed up sides. If you feel a lack of motivation due to past fails, don't despair. Your efforts were fruitless, most likely because broken methods And lack of information. In this article, I have collected data 59 foreign scientific sources and your experience to help you in your epic fat battle! I selected 7 basic must-know principles of fat burning, tested them, and gladly share my knowledge with you. Knowledge is power! Ignorance is fat! Go!

0. Motivation and psychology. Decide to change!

It’s not about how to lose weight for vacation in 5 days(unless, of course, we are talking about burning 500 grams of fat; this can be achieved in 5 days with maximum training intensity and a refined diet; but for some reason it seems to me that you have more fat).

To change your body, you must first change mind. Accept the need for training and nutrition control. Realize that you really want to get yourself in order, Once and for all. Heroically, in the style of Indiana Jones, save your cubes, immersed in the quicksand of fat for many years.

I'm not talking about the fact that you have to forget about your beloved bigteysty, mind-blowing caramel ice cream and all the other filth close to your heart. Not at all, you will see them. But not when you want, as before, but on the days strictly defined by you - for example, every Saturday I eat what I want, and sometimes I let myself drink One day a week is enough. On weekdays, you will plow in the gym and outside of it(it's fun, by the way!), eat right (and tasty, by the way!)

"Starting from Monday", you deprive yourself of full, healthy life, daily good mood And well-being, self-confidence.

1. You are what you eat. Proper nutrition.

The so-called “plate model”: a third is protein, a third is complex carbohydrates, a third is vegetables and fruits. And some candy, of course.

Proper nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. For hundreds of thousands of years, man ate what nature gave him (or a sharp spear), was fit and looked great. Now 99% of obesity problems do not arise from the "broad bone", but from excess of easily digestible high-calorie foods- in nature, a person had to pretty much run through the jungle to get the equivalent of a cheeseburger. Hence the convenient principle - eat only what can be found in nature. WHO and the American Heart Association - dear guys, by the way, recommend:

  1. The basis of a healthy diet should be fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts And whole grains foods (such as brown rice and whole grain oatmeal) bird And fish without skin.
  2. Consumption of pure sugar recommended cutup to 5% from the total energy consumption - about 20 grams for the average person.
  3. Give preference unsaturated fats(fish, avocado, nuts, olive oil) before saturated (fatty meat, butter, cheese)
  4. Boycott trans fats contained in fast food, margarine, spreads.

Consume less than you spend

The key principle of fat burning is to consume fewer calories than you burn.(principle of energy balance). But there is no need to reduce the daily caloric content to almost zero or go on a “grapefruit diet”, as the unfortunate authors of numerous Runet sites advise. There is a phenomenon yoyo dieting(yo-yo effect). Due to severe starvation breaks down and quickly regains its weight gaining primarily fat.

How to calculate daily calorie intake?
First you need to know your resting energy expenditure(BMR = Basal Metabolic Rate). According to Todd M. Manini, BMR makes up 60-80% of total daily calorie expenditure. 10% takes away the digestion of food. The rest comes from normal physical activity (NEAT) and sports.

In other words, the contribution of sports to daily calorie expenditure is extremely small. Therefore, rewarding yourself after every workout (500 calories) with a pizza (1500 calories) is dubious idea.

What is the calorie deficit needed to burn fat and how much fat can you burn in a week? One of the most common fat burning rules is "Rule 3500". Losing a pound of fat (0.453 kg) requires a total energy deficit of 3,500 kcal. To lose a pound a week, you need to consume 500 kcal less daily than you spend. But, as Kevin D. Hall found out, this rule is overstated and is only suitable for very fat people. Most experts consider the best 20% daily calorie deficit. In this scenario, you can expect to lose about a pound of fat per week. My average is 0.65 kg of fat per week.

To quickly find out your daily calorie intake for fat burning, as well as the correct ratio of BJU, use my.

Give yourself a break

Being in a calorie deficit doesn't mean you'll be starving. Just not with Zozhno. A study by Sayed Hossein Davoodi et al. found that individuals who followed a continuous diet lost less fat than those who used a cycle - 11 days of calorie deficit and 3 days of free diet. What is it connected with? Reducing calorie intake leads to a decrease in hormone levels leptin. The latter is considered the main hunger regulator and an appetite suppressant. Also energy deficiency increases ghrelin levels, which has the opposite effect increases appetite.

To avoid such a development of events, every two weeks of the diet take a break for 3 days(so-called "refeed"). Refeed will restore normal hormone levels and start fat burning with renewed vigor. A study by Havel PJ et al. suggests that carbohydrate-rich foods increase leptin. Therefore, on refeed days increase your carbohydrate intake not fat! And try to concentrate carbohydrates during periods before and after workout.

Eat lots of protein

Not eating enough protein can lead to your precious muscle mass will simply burn in a calorie deficit not to mention other health issues. For a person with minimal physical activity, the norm of protein (aka protein) is 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight . But if you decide to actively engage in the gym and burn fat, these standards are not for you.

The Butterfield GE study found thatPprotein intake for exercising people in conditions of energy deficiency should be at least 2.0 g / kg per day. And according to S. M. Pasiakos, J. J. Cao et al., increased protein intake prevents muscle loss and enhances fat burning during diet and exercise. Protein can be obtained from meat, fish, shrimp, dairy products, egg whites, nuts, legumes, and sports nutrition (protein shakes). It is found in other products, but in a smaller volume. Protein food is very satiating, after it you do not want to eat for a long time.

Know the measure - the permissible upper limit is 3.5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight body per day for well adapted people. Overdosing on protein can increase ammonia levels, increase blood insulin levels, and make other things worse., So don't overdo it! On the other hand, eating 3.5 g of protein per 1 kg of weight is a must!

drink water

Human, unlike this article, approximately 65% ​​water. Water is involved in all metabolic processes and essential for the functioning of your body especially when burning fat and exercising. According to Elizabeth A. Dennis et al., people drinking 500 ml of water before meals, burned more fat compared with the control group due to the fact that they consumed fewer calories.

Drink a couple of glasses of water half an hour before each main meal. Thus you will kill two hares at once(although I have nothing against hares):

  1. help the body get daily water intake(on average, 3.7 liters for men and 2.7 liters for women, depending on activity and other factors);
  2. you will eat a little less.

Necessarily drink during your workout to stay hydrated. All in all, drink when you can but not all at once. This is dangerous to health.

Important: drink water, not tea/coffee/compote etc. Just replacing cola, lemonades and juices with water, on the day you burn hundreds of calories. In a tiny can of Coca-Cola, for example, 140 calories from sugar, the equivalent of 120 grams chicken breast. If you can’t live without cola, switch to light.

Eat fruits and vegetables

WHO recommends eating 5 servings (400 grams) of fruits and vegetables per day, leaving out potatoes and other starchy comrades. They contain a lot fiber, which reduces the risk of obesity, cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease (James M. Lattimer and Mark D. Haub).

Chew raw fruits/vegetables- They much more useful, after all processing kills some of the vitamins(Emília Lešková and others) and increases the glycemic index (GI), which we do not want at all on fat burning. In addition, they perfectly fill the stomach - you will eat faster.

Italian scientists (R. Ferrantia, S. Marventano and others) noticed that sleep duration is positively associated with fruit and vegetable intake and negatively - with sweets and snacks. try to consume only vegetables and fruits with low GI The Internet is full of tables. Enrich your diet with the gifts of nature and feel great!

2. Strength training for fat burning. Pull iron!

There is a myth to burn fat, you need to do only cardio. Hence the crowd of plump women queuing for the treadmills. In fairness, I note that there is a large amount of truth in this. A study by Leslie H. Willis et al. suggests that those who did only cardio lost more fat than the strength-only group and the cardio+strength group. But there is one BUT, the increase in muscle mass in the last two groups was higher than in the first. And scientists Donnelly et al. found that one of the most significant benefits of strength training during a reduced calorie diet is that they help prevent muscle loss. The conclusion is clear - You need strength training.

Besides, the more muscles you have, the more they consume energy . According to scientific data, the metabolic rate of muscles is approximately 10 to 15 kcal/kg per day, and adipose tissue consumes about 4 times less. “Not thick,” you say, but this is only at rest. Significantly increases the energy expended on muscle recovery after training. By increasing the percentage of dry muscle tissue in the body with the help of strength training, you will be able to eat more and not get fat. burn calories faster and of course, disgusting to look like.

How should you exercise to burn fat? According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), beginners are encouraged to engage in a full body program - train all muscle groups 2-3 times a week. This approach is consistent with the study by Wernbom M et al. Once you get used to it, after a couple of months you can switch to a four-day split, for example:

  1. Mon- training "top" (chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps);
  2. Tue– “lower” training (lower back, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves and abs);
  3. Wed– rest/cardio;
  4. Thu- training "top";
  5. Fri- training "bottom";
  6. Sat– rest/cardio;
  7. Sun– rest/cardio.

After half a year, you can start doing 4-6 workouts weekly, working out each major muscle group 1-2 times a week. Actually, this is how many beginners start, believing it will speed up their progress (no).

It is extremely important not only to check in the gym, but train every time like it's the last. And of course do it scientifically:

3. Cardio training. Spin the pedals!

Cardio workouts are phenomenal for your body for many reasons:

  1. As we have already found out, cardio training - best exercise to burn fat.
  2. Cardio is what so lacking in the 21st century. Hundreds of thousands of years our ancestors ran all day long, today the average activity is to get up behind the TV remote control.
  3. Cardio improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. And it needs to be trained on a par with muscles, primarily in order to maintain the pace of strength training. The heart of beginners gives up faster than the muscles - the pulse goes off scale, shortness of breath occurs.
  4. Cardio beneficial effect on post-exercise recovery with iron and promotes muscle hypertrophy(Adam R. Konopka et al.).

American Heart Association recommends at least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity(running, swimming, cycling) 3 times a week. And if there is problems with cholesterol and blood pressure– cardio should be done about 40 minutes 3-4 times a week.

Here too it is necessary do everything according to science. For example, long cardio high intensity not useful, but even harmful - cortisol levels increase, muscles burn, fat is practically not used. Moreover, it is even can lead to heart problems(James H. O'Keefe et al.).

For maximum efficiency and health benefits you need to do cardio specific heart rate zone And according to certain methods- more on that later.

Concerning fasting cardio: A study by Kaito Iwayama et al found that after an overnight fast(on an empty stomach in the morning) cardio significantly increases fat oxidation for up to 24 hours. Also in a study by Kenshiro Shimada et al., it is stated that cardio on an empty stomach oxidizes more fat, But at the same time stores more glycogen.


  1. Never do cardio before strength training(you will lose glycogen) - only after or during your free time / day of rest;
  2. Avoid putting stress on your joints type of running and jumping, especially with obesity - it is better to use in bicycle, uphill walking, ellipsoid, rowing and so on.
  3. First time even 15 minutes on the treadmill seem like an eternity but imagine that you walk towards the body of your dreams and every step brings you closer to him - will open a second wind, I assure;
  4. Try to brighten up cardio in every possible way - listen to music, read.

After a powerful run, you always think - and now I deserve a pizza / cheesecake / burger. But think - by eating it now, you ruin your entire workout. If you restrain yourself, you will take a strong step towards a slender body.

HIIT or Steady State?

The type of cardio training described above is performed with a uniform intensity and is called Steady state. The now-popular cardio High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). HIIT is based on intervals maximum intensity, alternating at intervals active rest. For example, 30 seconds of sprinting and 1 minute of walking, alternating for 15 minutes.

Early research showed the dramatic benefits of HIIT in burning fat. However, recent work indicates that Steady-state and HIIT are about the same in terms of effectiveness(Micah Zuhl, Len Kravitz) with one condition - the duration of HIIT training is 2 times less. HIIT is mainly usedfor fat burning, while it allows maintain and even build muscle mass, what steady-state cannot boast of . Let hackneyed, but working example of the difference between Steady-state and HIIT effects- marathon runners and sprinters (see photo).

  • HIIT workouts are more exhausting than Steady-state and often take longer to recover.
  • Beginners before HIIT better prepare and 2-3 weeks to do regular cardio.
  • ACSM recommends starting with one HIIT workout per week.
  • When you feel like you're ready for more, add a second HIIT per week, evenly spreading them out over the days.
  • Your main task in HIIT training is to act with full dedication, otherwise it's just a short steady-state .
  • Just ask, without fanaticism and watch your pulse - do not go above 90% of the maximum.
  • In cardio training, as in strength training, there must be a warm-up and a hitch. Spending a few minutes on this will reduce the risk of injury several times over.

Pulse to burn fat

Fat burning cardio must be in a certain pulse corridor. Its boundaries can be calculated knowing your Heart HRMaxmaximum heart rate (HR) per minute . The best known method of determination is the formula developed by Fox et al. in 1971: HRmax = 220 - age. But according to a study by Shawn C. Franckowiak et al., the equation "208 − 0.7 × age" is more accurate.

What should be the heart rate for maximum fat burning?According to Achten J and Jeukendrup AE. , maximum fat oxidation occurs at a pulse in beginners- 66-69% of the maximum, for trained - 73-76%. This data applies to Steady-state only. In HIIT training, as I mentioned, work to the maximum and focus on feelings.

For example, let's calculate my optimal heart rate range for Steady-state cardio:

  1. HRMax \u003d 208 - 0.7 x 22 (age) \u003d 192.6;
  2. Lower limit = 192.6 x 0.73 = 140.6;
  3. Upper limit = 192.6 x 0.76 = 146.4.

Total my heart rate for fat burning is in the range of 141 to 147. To make it easy and without any math calculate your heart rate fat burning, use my .

4. Recovery. Sleep more and stay positive!

stress hormones such as cortisol have helped humans survive in the wild for hundreds of thousands of years. But in our time, in building a beautiful body, they rather enemies. And that's why.

According to a study by Jason P. Block et al., psychosocial stress(difficulties at work, in the family, in personal relationships, etc.) leads to weight gain in women and men. This is due to the increased production of the insidious hormone - cortisol. According to Dhabhar F.S., chronic stress, in contrast to the short-term may suppress protective immune responses and/or enhance pathological immune responses. Deal with stress.

By the way, sport on my own cleans head well. In response to the stress received during a good workout, the brain releases into the blood endorphins("hormones of happiness") - they improve your mood and reduce muscle pain. And when you look in the mirror at the positive changes in your body, the high meter just rolls over!

sleep more

I'm recovering! And let the whole world wait…

According to a study by Leproult R. and Van Cauter E. , lack of sleep leads to metabolic and endocrine changes– increase concentration cortisol in the 2nd half of the day, lowering the level leptin, increasing the level ghrelin, and reduced sensitivity to insulin. As we have already found out, leptin reduces appetite, A ghrelin- vice versa, raises. If the body is in a state of permanent fatigue due to lack of sleep, hormonal imbalance causes heightened sense of hunger. And then even the Jedi willpower will not help, you eat all sorts of filth. Decreased insulin sensitivity is one of the risk factors development of diabetes. Therefore, watching a TV show or a video on Youtube for an hour instead of going to bed in time is not so harmless (well, you can, of course, devote another 5 minutes to a masterpiece article on Zo).

For the majority of people optimal duration sleep - 7-8 hours. However, hard workouts take longer to recover. If you can't get 8-9 hours of sleep at night, short afternoon nap(15 minutes) can help you a lot.

5. Sports nutrition. Use a sports drink.

If you are still afraid of sports nutrition, tie it up.
Sports nutrition - powerful ZOJ tool. It's not chemistry. In the sports drink are collected
all the important substances from ordinary food in concentrated form, and nothing more.

Agree, it is difficult to maintain a complete diet with all the necessary macro- and micronutrients, especially on the run. Sportspit will give you what needed, and at the time when it is needed. Learned on Z it is possible that need protein immediately after training? Instead of stuffing chicken breast into you as soon as you get off the bike, drink delicious and healthy protein shake. And instead of choking on oily fish, get yours omega-3 fatty acids from one capsule. But first things first.

Below you will find the most necessary, in my opinion, types of sports nutrition for fat burning.


Necessity 9/10

Branched Chain Amino Acids(leucine, isoleucine and valine) - amino acids (parts of protein) that make up about 35% of the essential amino acids in muscle tissue. What does "irreplaceable" mean? This means that t your body cannot produce BCAAs on its own. Need them get with protein food(chicken, beef, eggs, peanuts, tuna), supplementing appropriate sports nutrition.

BCAAs have a number of super-useful effects, important, in particular, to reduce the percentage of fat:

  1. When taken before and after workouts, they help reduce muscle damage caused by exercise and enhance muscle protein synthesis organism (Negro M., Giardina S and others);
  2. stimulate increase in leptin in blood plasma (Lynch CJ, Gern B and others);
  3. necessary for supporting immune cell function(Phillip C. Calder).

In other words, BCAs help you maintain muscle mass in conditions of fat burning, don't get sick, control hunger And stimulate fat burning. Well, not a panacea? Take BCAAs before, during and after training.

I use USP Modern BCAAs. - delivered quickly!


Necessity 8/10

  1. L-carnitine transports fat to muscle(Kent Sahlin), where he burns during physical activity.
  2. A study by Klaus D. Wutzke et al. showed that L-carnitine leads to significant fat oxidation in slightly overweight individuals.
  3. He also good for the heart(Retter AS ).

I use Acetyl L-Carnitine by Maxler. - delivered quickly!

Fat burners

Necessity 8/10

There are a lot of fat burners on the market, and they all have miraculous effects. At least that's what the manufacturers say. But in reality not all of them are effective.

According to the mechanism of action, fat burners are divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Thermogenics(based on caffeine, ephedrine, etc.) - increase body temperature and BMR;
  2. Lipotropics(all other substances, such as L-carnitine, choline) - affect metabolic processes in a variety of ways.

Fat burners are almost always multicomponent. In order not to overpay for useless ingredients, I have highlighted a few really effective components:

  1. Caffeine and green tea extract. According to M.S. Westerterp-Plantenga, together these components affect thermogenesis and fat oxidation. Green tea effect confirmed recent experiments by Italian and Thai scientists, caffeine has been tested back in 1982 Wilcox AR scientists.
  2. Choline. A study by J Hum Kinet found: choline improves lipid metabolism and significantly accelerates the burning of body fat. The recommended dosage is 2 grams per day.
  3. Ephedrine(banned in Russia). Provides short-term weight loss, but no data on long-term weight loss (Shekelle PG et al.)

Buying fat burners carefully check the ingredients and don't fall for divorce like raspberry ketones and goji "longevity berries". Their effectiveness for burning fat has not been proven foreign research.

And remember, the proper effect of fat burners can only be expected if you stick to proper nutrition. If you eat tons of rolls, fat burners will not help you.

I use Nutrex Lipo-6 Fat Burner. - delivered quickly!


Necessity 10/10

"Protein" is a regular protein, only in concentrated form. It will help you meet your daily protein requirement. A study by Joy L Frestedt and John L Zenk found that whey protein intake 20 minutes before breakfast and before lunch during a diet with a calorie deficit (-500 kcal) led to a loss significantly more fat and much less muscle mass. Protein will help you satisfy the body's need for protein, enhance the fat burning process And maintain muscle mass in a calorie deficit. Well, however, I already wrote about the benefits and archival importance of protein above.


  1. Not save on protein and buy quality products, follow content of carbohydrates, sugars and fats(less is better). However, if you plan to drink protein immediately after training, carbohydrates in him won't interfere.
  2. Pay attention to the amino acid composition (in particular, the content of BCAA), it differs in different proteins. For example, vegetable protein will not provide all the necessary amino acids. Better choose whey, it is the most researched, well, the most popular.
  3. I recommend to use 1-2 servings of protein immediately after training and 1-2 during the day as needed.

I really love Syntha-6 protein from BSN. - delivered quickly!

Omega 3

Necessity 5/10

It is assumed that the human body in the course of evolution was adapted to a diet with a ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids 1:1. However, in modern nutrition the ratio is approximately 16:1 (A.P. Simopoulos).

So, Omega-3:

  1. Useful for of cardio-vascular system(Azin Mohebi-Nejad and others);
  2. Contribute increase in muscle mass and decrease in fat, reduce cortisol levels(Eric E Noreen et al.);
  3. Improve brain function(Bauer I et al.);
  4. They have many other beneficial effects.

Let you does not bother low "Necessary" rating. You just you can get them from food And. Omega-3 acids are found in oily sea fish, like salmon, seeds, V linen and some others oils. If you do not eat all this, then buying Omega-3 supplements looks like mandatory- lack of them in the diet can significantly slow down your progress and make you feel worse.

I use Omega-3 Gold by Maxler. - delivered quickly!

Vitamins and minerals

Necessity 10/10

Fat burning is an energy deficit and intense training. You may lack vitamins and minerals found in food, and they essential for the proper functioning of your body. A study by Priscilla M. Clarkson indicated that increased energy production during exercise increases the body's need for vitamins X. The same goes for minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, etc. (Clarkson PM, Haymes EM). organism hard to dry- it is necessary to maintain the immune system, the condition of the bones, and indeed of all organs and systems. Take vitamin and mineral complexes, you don't have time to get sick!

I use the Opti-Men vitamin-mineral complexes from Optimum Nutrition. - delivered quickly!

6. Measure results

The body does not change overnight. In everyday life, you can despair, not seeing the treasured cubes after a week of diet and training. This is where it will be useful. look at your before photo or look into weight/fat log and make sure that you are on the right track. And, of course, brag about success in front of friends!

One of the additional motivators on the way to the cherished goal is before/after photo comparison. Be sure to take a picture of yourself before you start working on yourself. Further take a photo once a week, like me. At the same time, in the same clothes, on the same background.


Weight may vary 1-1.5 kg per day. Beginners think that this is fat / muscle and begin to rejoice inexpressibly, but in fact This is water. After all burning more than 150 grams of fat per day is almost impossible. Gain the same amount of muscle - even harder e.

A study by Helander, E.E. and others showed that breaks in weighing of a month or more are associated with the risk of weight gain.

Weigh yourself once a week at the same time(preferably in the morning, as soon as you wake up). Daily weighing may not show a reliable picture. During the day body weight is influenced by various factors- the use of food, water, salt, etc. Therefore, weight is not the best indicator. Percentage of body fat much better reflects the shape where you are (2nd place after the mirror).

How to measure fat

Set realistic goals

No need to overthink and set unbearable time frames. This, firstly, is unsafe for health, and secondly, it will lead to quick disappointment.

Also always specify the goal- not just there to “lose weight” someday by some, but powerfully reduce % fat by 3 p.p. for the first month or go to the gym at least 3 times a week throughout the month.

7. Have fun!

Love what you do. Do what you love.

In a business that you do not love, you will not be able to achieve success. If the process of burning fat is a burden for you that does not bring pleasure, you can forget about the goal. I do not like gym- train with your weight at home or on the horizontal bar. I do not like cardio on an exercise bike- try kendo is the Japanese art of sword fighting. Experiment, set ambitious goals, learn new things! After all, sport is a whole life.

So the short digression into fat burning has come to an end. I hope I brought something new to you and inspired you to achieve! If you follow the principles described above, then in a few months you will notice dramatic changes in your appearance, believe me.

Get on the right path!


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Eat fractionally

It sounds paradoxical: why do we have to constantly eat in order to lose weight. However, fractional meals do not allow the metabolism to slow down. In addition, it prevents you from overeating due to severe hunger, which occurs if you do not eat for a long time. Eat 6 meals a day. In addition, try not to take a break between meals for more than 3 hours.

Don't skip breakfast

In terms of boosting your metabolism, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When you sleep, your metabolism slows down and doesn't "wake up" until you eat. Therefore, if you skip breakfast, then before lunch your body will burn much fewer calories than it could if you had breakfast. Start day from breakfast 400-500 calories high in complex carbohydrates: cereal or cereal, fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread. Digestion of complex carbohydrates takes longer, so the feeling of hunger does not come longer.

Eat More Protein

The increased content of proteins in each meal speeds up the metabolism. The digestive system requires more energy to digest proteins than it does to digest fats or, for example, starch, so it burns more calories. In your diet, proteins should be 20-35%, with this ratio, the body burns an additional 150-200 calories per day.

Drink green tea

Green hour not only helps fight carcinogens, it also has the ability to speed up metabolism. According to studies, people who drink green tea 3 times a day, the metabolism speeds up by 4%, that is, you can burn the extra 60 calories per day, which can lead to a loss of about 3 kilograms per year.

Drink more water

With a daily intake of 1.5 liters of water, metabolism is accelerated by 30%. This will allow you to burn an additional 17,400 calories annually, which is equivalent to losing 2.5-3 kilograms.

Take in food iron

If you do not consume enough iron, your cells begin to lack oxygen, which significantly slows down the metabolism in the body. Iron deficiency usually manifests itself as fatigue and weakness. Most multivitamins contain about 18 mg of iron, you can get more by eating 3 iron-rich foods a day: dark meat, chicken, grains, and soy.

Avoid alcohol

By suppressing the central nervous system, alcohol significantly slows down your metabolism. Studies by British scientists have shown that when drinking alcohol along with high-calorie foods, the body burns less fat and stores more.

Eat dairy products

Women who eat low-fat dairy products 3-4 times a day burn 70% more. Calcium encourages body burn excess fat faster, and 1,200 mg of calcium should be consumed daily. However, simply taking calcium tablets is almost useless. The best result comes from the consumption of dairy products themselves.

eat fish

Those who regularly eat fish and seafood have lower levels of the hormone leptin in their bodies. This is very good as there is a correlation between high leptin levels and low metabolism and obesity. Try to eat fatty fish 3-4 times a week: salmon, tuna and others.

25 tricks to burn fat faster

Tricks in the kitchen

1. Drink more water
Many will be surprised to learn that water is the best fat burner! In order for the liver to process fat cells faster, it is important that this organ receives enough water. In this case, you will not only contribute to the active work of the liver, but also fill the stomach, relieving yourself of hunger. The norm of consumption should be 8 glasses of pure water per day. True, each person is individual, and therefore regulate the amount of water you drink based on the color of your urine. Ideally, urine should be pale yellow, but a rich yellow urine will signal that you are not drinking enough water.

2. Avoid exotic diets
Mono-diets, the meaning of which is the use of one or two products with the exception of any other food, will never bring you the desired weight loss. As soon as you return to your usual diet, your hips and waist will immediately begin to fill up with fat again. It is more correct to choose for yourself that diet, which you can adhere to not for a couple of weeks, but for months and even years.

3. Eat often
Fractional nutrition is perhaps the most effective trick known to burn fat faster. Three meals a day with the use of a large amount of food in each of the meals, overloads the stomach, disrupting metabolism and contributing to the deposition of fat. If you divide the same amount of food into 5 meals, adding to the existing three, an afternoon snack and lunch, the food will enter the stomach in small portions, and it will be digested much more actively, increasing metabolism by 25%!

4. Don't skip breakfast
Many of us make the key mistake of forgoing a full breakfast and limiting ourselves to a cup of coffee in the morning. In fact, a full breakfast, consisting of a serving of oatmeal or any other porridge, will make the stomach burn fat in the morning, due to which the daily amount of fat burned will increase by 15-20%. Moreover, a full breakfast and lunch will perfectly saturate the body, which will avoid overeating in the evening.

5. Eat More Protein
The basis of each meal should be protein foods, i.e. low-fat meat, soy, legumes, as well as all kinds of cereals from whole grains. The fact is that 30% of the calories that we get from protein foods are burned already in the process of eating food, while this figure does not exceed 6% for carbohydrates.

6. Eat More Fiber
Food rich in fiber is the most useful for people who dream of having a slim figure. It contains almost no calories, but at the same time it perfectly saturates the body and quickly removes all harmful substances from it. If greens, vegetables and fruits predominate in each portion of the food consumed, i.e. foods that contain a maximum of fiber, you will not only be able to get enough without the intake of extra calories, but also enhance the metabolic process. What's more, greens and vegetables are perfect for dinner when the urge to eat increases exponentially.

7. Limit Light Carbs
Light carbohydrates, thus, which provoke obesity, include all kinds of sweets, sweets, confectionery, chocolate, condensed milk and white bread. If we don’t reduce our intake of such unhealthy foods, we run the risk of becoming overweight and, subsequently, obese. At the same time, nutritionists do not advise completely excluding carbohydrates from the diet, because these substances fill the body with energy, activate thinking and nourish the nervous system. Just allow yourself to eat sweets no more than twice a week and in a minimal amount. At the same time, it is better to replace milk chocolate with bitter, which is much more beneficial for the body, and use dried fruits instead of sweets.

8. Use the right refills
Of great importance for the figure is the choice of the “right” dressing for your salad. For example, dressing a vegetable salad with vegetable oil or mayonnaise, you risk getting a huge amount of calories, which will undoubtedly increase your waistline. Another thing is dressing dishes with lemon juice or vinegar. These substances do not increase calories, and besides, they accelerate the process of fat breakdown, and this is exactly what you need for weight loss.

9. Chew your food slowly.
This is an important trick that must be in the arsenal of a slender person. We are accustomed to devoting a minimum of time to food consumption, as a result of which we simply swallow food, practically without chewing it. Because of this, we overeat, because the signal of satiety reaches the brain from the stomach in 15-20 minutes. To prevent this from happening, eat your food slowly, chewing thoroughly and savoring every bite.

10. Read the ingredients carefully
To keep a slim figure and speed up the process of burning fat, you can follow the composition of the products that we buy in the supermarket. So, when buying milk, sour cream, kefir or any other dairy product, give preference to less fat. However, there can be a catch here too. Low-fat yogurt can contain sugars that even regular yogurt won't have. Having noticed such a discrepancy, it is better to abandon this “dietary” product in favor of home-made yogurt.

Tricks in the gym

11. Go Jogging
Researchers from the University of Massachusetts have concluded that a person who makes easy runs four times a week, even during rest, burns 20% more calories than a person who does not exercise.

12. Distribute loads correctly
Physically hard work is best done in the morning, leaving light exercises for the afternoon. In this case, the body will burn 23% more calories than when organizing work in reverse order.

13. Choose aerobic workouts
If your goal is to accelerate the fat burning process, you should focus on aerobic training, i.e. running, cycling, swimming or aerobics. According to scientists, if you do this exercise for at least 50 minutes, and 80% of the time you work at maximum efficiency, the next 19 hours your metabolism will work 50% more actively. Anaerobic (strength) exercises, to achieve such results simply will not work.

14. Stand up
If you prioritize strength training, focus on standing rather than sitting. According to the results of research by American scientists, performing an exercise for strength in a standing position, an athlete burns 30% more calories.

15. First strength training, then cardio
If your exercise program includes both anaerobic and aerobic workouts, start doing strength exercises. In this case, you will already be tired when you start running, swimming or pedaling, and this will speed up the process of parting with extra pounds by about 2 times!

16. Vary Intensity
Whether you're on a stationary bike, jogging, or swimming, make it a rule to alternate the intensity of your workouts, periodically speeding up and working to the maximum, and then returning to a measured rhythm again. This alternation will help burn more fat! By the way, this rule can be used in everyday life. When walking down the street, increase the width of your step for a minute, and then return to your usual rhythm again. Climbing the stairs, go through the two flights as usual, and the next two flights, step over the step.

17. Apply weight
Those who want to speed up the process of losing weight can be advised to use weighting. For example, you can run in a heavy vest, take dumbbells in your hands, or while pedaling an exercise bike, cling weights to your feet. Studies show that weighting 10% of your body weight will allow you to burn 8% more calories than during regular training.

18. Use sticks when walking
Walking with sticks, the so-called Nordic walking, can be a worthy alternative to walking and jogging. Unlike regular walking or running, this fitness uses the shoulder girdle, which increases the rate of fat burning by 20%!

19. Listen to the right music
According to scientists from the University of Bristol, in order to increase physical activity during training and activate the metabolic processes in the body more, it is important to listen to the right music. So, training to rhythmic music, you will run much more actively than to peaceful melodic tracks, which means that excess weight will go away faster.

20. Play football
Danish scientists have also contributed to the fight against extra pounds. Their studies have shown that playing football 3 times a week for about 1.5 hours, you will lose weight much faster than jogging every morning.

Other useful tricks

21. Get enough vitamins
It turns out that certain vitamins are also responsible for the level of metabolism. For example, in order to lose weight intensively, vitamin C should be replenished daily, and in order to better break down fats, ensure regular intake of vitamin D.

22. Do morning exercises
Just a few exercises performed immediately after lifting will significantly increase your metabolism, as a result of which the body will be better at burning fat. Studies show that people who regularly do morning exercises are 10–15 kilograms thinner than those who are too lazy to do morning exercises.

23. Don't Avoid Housework
Even if you visit the gym, this does not mean at all that you should give up physical activity at home. Even a banal cleaning in the apartment will increase physical activity and quickly deal with fat. Therefore, never refuse to take out the garbage, vacuum, mop the floors in the house or walk your four-legged friend. Even a regular commute can be made more fat-burning. Just get off the bus one stop early and walk the rest of the way. Do the same on the way back.

24. Watch less TV
Movies and TV shows simply grab our attention, as a result of which we remain motionless for a long time. If such leisure becomes the norm, we will invariably face the problem of excess weight. To prevent this from happening, limit your TV viewing. It is better to spend this time on a walk or playing sports.

25. Normalize sleep
Do not think that limiting your sleep to 5 hours a day, we will move more and be able to keep the weight within the desired limits. Violating the rest regimen, we slow down metabolic processes, resulting in an increased accumulation of fat. According to doctors, normal sleep for 7-8 hours a day will allow you to burn 12% more calories!
Good health and a slim figure to you!

When it comes to burning fat, all possible recommendations are used, including false or incorrect ones. In fact, there are no secrets about diets anymore, so people just combine several different approaches, especially if one of them guarantees fast results in a short time. However, sometimes we do not fully understand the principle of some ways of burning fat, and some of the nuances remain a mystery to us. The techniques used by bodybuilding professionals are unfortunately overlooked by many fitness enthusiasts. Below is a list of six techniques that you can use in the process of getting rid of extra pounds.

#1. Periodic deviations from the diet regimen (cheat meal)!

Calorie restriction helps burn more fat, this is the basic biological law on which the process of metabolism in the human body is based. If you're on a diet, your body is trying its best to get you back to your normal diet. This is a standard response to daily calorie restriction, combined with your normal activity level, allowing you to burn more calories. Another name for this process is known - "starvation mode", which is a normal reaction of the body when a person consumes fewer calories than usual. When this happens, the body lowers its ability to burn calories by lowering the levels of hormones needed for your metabolism.

This list includes growth hormone, leptin and thyroid hormone. If you want to avoid this scenario, try to include in your diet a day during which you can increase your insulin levels by eating a meal high in fast-digesting carbohydrates. When you eat these foods, your body responds to the diet, eliminates the calorie deficit and balances hormones. During this process, your hormones and metabolism will return to normal, but there is an added bonus: hormones that are not normally involved in burning excess fat will be produced and have a beneficial effect.

#2. Reducing carbohydrates during and after the diet

When you have already reached your ceiling during weight loss, then you will have to change the approach. This is quite difficult, especially since even professional athletes and bodybuilders have difficulty finding the right method that they need all the time, and not for a short period. The difficulty is that your metabolism slows down, sometimes it can be fixed at a certain level, and then falls again. It is for this reason that we sometimes need additional stimulation of the body. If you have already developed a certain system of training and nutrition, you should stick to it constantly, and your body will be able to adapt to it. That's why you need to look for new stimulation resources.

But the same problem can arise when you need to make the body more prominent. If you don't stimulate your body and encourage it to burn fat, it won't. So you need to work on a complementary approach, and my method involves cutting carbs and calories to extremely low levels by choosing two days of the week. This means that once or twice a week (with at least two days between them) you need to consume only 50-70 g of carbohydrates. This method works because it helps to deplete the glycogen stores accumulated as a result of eating carbohydrates.

#3. Ketones help you lose weight!

Many bodybuilders dream of not changing their diet before a competition, but this is often not so easy. There are many determinants that can interfere with productive fat burning, but there is also a proven way to help avoid relapse. So, if eating tartlets and cutting carbs to extremely low levels isn't working, you should try something else. Typically, professional bodybuilders reduce carbohydrates to 30 grams per day and stick to this norm for four days, at the same time they take daily 20-25 grams of medium chain triglycerides and about 3-5 grams of carnitine. When you use this combination, it helps to change your metabolism and direct it towards burning excess fat.

When you don't get enough carbs for a long period of time, your body starts making ketones. Ketones are a side effect of the fat burning process and help us get leaner by slowly raising your metabolic rate. They also prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue in the body by using it as an energy source when you are low on carbs, instead burning ketones first. If there are a lot of ketones in the blood, the body uses them first, followed by muscle tissue or fat.

Carnitine is an amino acid and helps you lose weight by pushing fat cells into the muscle cell system. There, fat cells accumulate in the form of an energy source, which is eventually used by the body instead of muscle tissue. In addition, when you take carnitine, you start the process of creating ketones in your body, which allows you to use them in the best possible way.

#4. Salt helps retain fluid in the body!

When you follow a low-carb diet for some time, you notice that your muscles gradually become more prominent. Tight muscles are a good indicator that your glycogen stores are being used for their intended purpose, and when they reach a minimum level, your body begins to burn fat.

However, when you diet for a long time, you run the risk of interfering with the process of muscle growth. There are many potential ways to lose or maintain accumulated muscle mass if you are losing weight, and one of them is fluid retention in the muscles. When glycogen stores are high enough, it helps to retain fluid in the muscles and maintain their shape and volume. But when glycogen stores reach a critical point, you still lose muscle mass, as fluid drains from your muscles, making muscle mass smaller. There is a very simple and easy way to keep the fluid in the muscles without increasing the amount of carbohydrates - eat more salt. Sodium retains fluid in the body, keeping it under the skin, but also affects glucose, creatine and amino acids, stimulating the formation of these elements and their accumulation in muscle tissue. These substances retain water and affect the receptors in the muscles, while stimulating their recovery.

If you want to burn excess fat, you will need to increase your metabolic rate. Because calories are burned in muscle tissue, muscle helps you lose fat over a long period. This is not exactly common advice, but you can make your muscles bigger by increasing the amount of salt. When you restrict carbohydrates, take in at least 40 mg of sodium for every kilogram of your body weight.

#5. There are many supplements for burning fat!

We have already mentioned that if you eat less, then over time the process of losing weight slows down. This is true, but this situation can be avoided. If you maintain your body and metabolism at a sufficient level and consume fewer calories, you can prevent unpleasant symptoms. For example, modern fat burners increase the metabolic rate and maintain it throughout the diet.

If you're looking for a weight loss product that actually works, look norepinephrine booster supplements. This is a hormone that affects the process of burning fat and converting it into energy. Norepinephrine levels rise during your physical activity, but when your diet continues, many people notice a decrease in this substance. It also happens because your body adapts to new conditions and puts obstacles on the way to the desired shape. When you keep your norepinephrine levels at the right level, the body avoids fasting mode and burns much more fat. Norepinephrine helps you bypass addiction mode and keep your performance down. Instead, you start burning as many calories as you would if you didn't diet, but those extra calories help eliminate the fat loss problem!

Many people who are on diets and work out in the weight loss gym often ask the same question - how to speed up fat burning? As a rule, this question worries those who manage to lose weight, but are not satisfied with the speed of weight loss. In this article I will talk about the main methods that can significantly speed up this process.

To begin with, you can directly influence only two processes:

  • Calorie intake
  • Calorie consumption

It is these two factors that determine whether you will lose weight or accumulate fat. Excess calories, that is, when daily intake exceeds daily consumption, leads to the accumulation of fat. Deficiency, that is, when daily intake is less than daily consumption, leads to fat burning.

Thus, you can speed up the process of losing weight, either by eating less food (reducing consumption), or by using more physical activity (increasing consumption).

Reduced calorie intake

This method of accelerating fat burning is the most correct and promising, since it eliminates the root cause of excess weight - hypercaloric nutrition.

How to use this method? If the process of burning fat does not suit you and you want to speed it up, start by reducing your carbohydrate intake:

  • If during the course you eat fast carbohydrates (sweet, starchy foods), reduce their consumption to a minimum or remove them altogether.
  • If during the day you do not consume fast carbohydrates, then reduce the consumption of slow carbohydrates (all types of side dishes - pasta, rice, potatoes, etc.) - cut your usual portions by 10-15%.

In addition to cutting down on carbs, limit yourself to fatty foods - fats should not be completely eliminated from the diet, as they are necessary for the production of hormones. But they should not be abused either.

Why is it so important to cut down on carbohydrates and fats? The fact is that these nutrients have a very high energy value (kcal) and make the main contribution to the total daily calorie content of the diet. For example, by eating a large piece of cake, you can get half the daily calorie intake, satisfying hunger for only a short time.

Increasing calorie expenditure

This method also allows you to speed up the process of burning fat, but it does not eliminate the root cause of the problem. That is, when you stop or reduce the volume / intensity of training, the lost kilograms will return again. In other words, you will “eat up” the weight again. By the way, this approach is the most popular mistake when losing weight - instead of putting your diet in order (because of which the extra weight was gained), many go to the gym first thing or exhaust themselves with heavy cardio.

If we consider the increase in calorie expenditure (due to physical activity) as an auxiliary means of accelerating fat burning, then it is very effective. Given that it also allows you to improve health.

I wrote in more detail about physical activity for weight loss in the article -.

Thus, there are 2 ways to accelerate fat burning - either eat less or move more (exercise). In this case, the first option will be the optimal and correct way, since it eliminates the main cause of weight gain, namely, an excess of calories consumed.