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Banana is a product that contains a large amount of useful vitamins and minerals, as well as fast ones. This begs the question, can...
The salt-free diet is one of the most popular methods in the world. In just 2 weeks, you can remove from 8 extra pounds. The diet does not...
The Montignac Nutrition Method was born in 1986 in France. Its author, , himself suffered from overweight. Having carefully studied the features of the exchange ...
Now in Russia there are a lot of foreign food products. And not all the best are brought to us. And it is often difficult for our buyer...
Michel Montignac is a world famous nutritionist and creator of a unique diet. Thanks to him, millions of women and men have acquired the desired forms, ...
Someone consists of Pepsi and chips, and someone of vegetables, fruits, cereals and chicken. Look at your check after the store and evaluate what you are made of...
Currently, diseases of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract) are very widespread. In addition to heredity, ...
Meanwhile, the simplest knowledge of chemistry and medicine would be useful to any responsible cook. It is on them that the rules of compatibility are based ...
The sciences of healthy eating, diets, cooking can be called a set of useful rules. About products and cooking, calories and calculations, about ...
How many calories should I eat to lose weight? I heard that I have to consume 5000 calories to build muscle, is that correct?...
The diet is suitable for men who want to lose weight, and for women who want to gain muscle mass. However, an important condition for recruiting...
Reading time: 4 minutes Even with regular training without dietary restrictions, it is impossible to change your body. What are the basic principles...
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