Sirtuin longevity genes. Sirtuin diet: when you drink chocolate with wine

Last week brought another news from the laboratories about the discovery of the mechanisms of rejuvenation, healing and the fight against old age. There was a lot of such news in the outgoing year, and one should not even guess that there will be even more of them in the new year, and this pleases.

So, a group of scientists (Gomes et al., 2013) was able to determine one of the aging processes of the body and influence it, restoring youth to a laboratory rat. The study is a joint project between Harvard, the US National Institute on Aging and the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.

One of the authors of the study is David Sinclair, professor of genetics at Harvard University Medical School (pictured). He is known as an explorer sirtuina. Sirtuins are a group of genes, and one of them, SIRT1, is activated by the consumption of certain types of nuts, red wine, and grapes. His company Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, which at one time announced a breakthrough in the fight against old age based on the molecule resveratrol, was bought by a giant of the pharmaceutical industry GlaxoSmithKline, and I wrote about this story earlier in a note.

The group discovered a complex sequence of events that occur when the genome of the cell nucleus and the mitochondrion genome communicate. Sirtuins were considered one of the key participants in such communication, but this time attention was paid to the NAD molecule ( nicotinamide-adenine-dinuclotide). The role of SIRT1 in this process is still important, but auxiliary: they make sure that a molecule called HIF-1 does not interfere with this communication process. Over the years, NAD levels decrease and this impairs the ability of SIRT1 to retain HIF-1. The production of HIF-1 is increasing and the molecule disrupts communication between genomes. The mitochondrion begins to produce less energy, and aging begins to manifest itself in all its disgrace (this is, of course, a simplified picture of what is happening). Interestingly, HIF-1 levels also increase with cancer, and the aging human body resembles that of a person with cancer, at least in some respects. Control of this mechanism has previously been shown to lead to a cure for type 2 diabetes. Therefore, the discovery of the mechanism and ways of influencing it is a promising path. Scientists hope that in 2014 it will be possible to start clinical trials in humans, and that will be great.

NAD is made from material produced by the body itself. The group decided that if there were not enough precursors to produce this molecule, they should be added. By injecting one of the components that is produced by the body, they saw an increase in NAD production and rejuvenation. The scientists say that some of the performance of the 2-year-old rats after therapy began to look like a 60-year-old person became a 20-year-old (again, only in some aspects).

The component is called nicotinamide mononucleotide(NMN). The rat was injected with a substance that, in terms of a person, would require 500 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, that is, an 86 kilogram man would need 43 grams of the substance per day. NMN - several types, and if we are talking about β-nicotinamide mononucleotide, then check out the price tag - $ 2,630 per gram, or just over 113 thousand dollars per day. In the experiment, the mouse received a weekly course, after which dramatic positive changes were already visible. Other sources claim that a gram costs "only" $1,000, well, maybe scientists are using a different NMN, or they have a good discount :). In any case, from 300 to 800 thousand dollars for a weekly course of rejuvenation.

It is worth bearing in mind that the long-term effects of such therapy are unknown, and the fact that these very positive changes have been recorded in several parameters, only in the musculature of the animal. In addition, the rat is not a person, and we don’t even know how long they would have lived and how happily. So maybe you shouldn't run to buy kilograms of NMN for now?

Interestingly, NMN is produced naturally with a calorie-restricted diet and intense exercise. Resveratrol has also been shown to increase NAD production. In other words, you can try to influence this mechanism in a more accessible and "natural" way. I have ideas how exactly, and I will talk about it later, this year.

Gomes, A. P., Price, N. L., Ling, A. J. Y., Moslehi, J. J., Montgomery, M. K., Rajman, L., . . . Sinclair, D. A. (2013). Declining NAD+ Induces a Pseudohypoxic State Disrupting Nuclear-Mitochondrial Communication during Aging. cell, 155(7), 1624-1638.

Last week the news spread around the world that scientists managed to stop Alzheimer's disease in mice, and the drug that millions of people around the world are waiting for will be ready in a few years to treat humans. For example, article BBC: "Scientists have made a breakthrough in the fight against Alzheimer's disease." The study () is called a breakthrough, but since there were few details in the popular presentation, I wanted to know them, especially what kind of tool the scientists used.

The mice that participated in the experiment were infected prion disease. This is not Alzheimer's disease in its purest form, but prion disease is the best model for neurodegenerative diseases. Such diseases (Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease and others) are caused by a wide range of genetic and environmental factors. Despite the variety of causes, they are related by the development and accumulation of misfolded PrP proteins. Ideally, all proteins are packaged into diverse, but strictly defined, three-dimensional structures.

Errors in protein folding make it inactive, and in addition, it leads to cellular stress: such proteins accumulate, forming plates that are toxic to surrounding healthy cells. In addition, misfolded proteins begin aberrant interactions with other proteins, sometimes leading to the cessation of the production of the necessary proteins. One of the active participants in the process of stopping protein synthesis is the PERK protein. Its increased activation is one of the markers for prion diseases.

All these processes are extremely complex, and there are countless ideas about possible ways of influence. One idea is to suppress this very PERK protein. The drug that scientists used is just a PERK inhibitor and is called . The report on the discovery of this fully synthetic substance was published by scientists from the company GlaxoSmithKline(GSK). The substance can cross the circulatory-brain barrier and therefore be administered orally as a tablet.

The idea worked: all the mice that were given the drug were cured of the prion disease! This is truly a breakthrough in understanding the course of the disease and its treatment. However, serious side effects were found: damage to the pancreas, the onset of type 2 diabetes and weight loss. Swapping a neurodegenerative disease for a metabolic one is not a pleasant choice, and there is still a lot of work ahead.

In fact, an original, new way of treating brain diseases has been proposed. Today it cannot be said that it is the best or the most promising, it is simply one of the ways. In this regard, something else is curious: there is a class of proteins called chaperones(helpers), “whose function is to restore the correct structure of proteins, as well as the formation and dissociation of protein complexes” (quote from here).

The level of chaperones is increased polyphenols, natural molecules found in many plants, vegetables, and fruits, increase chaperone levels. Flavonoids- the largest class of polyphenols, and they are found in red wine, teas, cocoa and other products. For example, resveratrol, a flavonoid in red wine, and curcumin, in turmeric, a spice used to prepare many dishes, including curry, have shown their powerful effect on the restoration of protein structures.

Resveratrol provides similar neuroprotection to that seen with the new drug, for example, a study by Korean scientists at Jeonbuk National University showed last year. There are quite a few such studies: for example, this or this.

GlaxoSmithKline probably knows more about resveratrol than most. Five years ago, in April 2008, GSK bought the company Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, for $720 million. One must think that the pharmaceutical giant thought well before spending that kind of money. Sitris was a leader in protein research sirtuina encoded by the SIRT1 gene. The price came, at least in part, from hope and publicity when the company published a study on the successful treatment of diabetes in mice using sirtuin. Even then (and now) it was assumed that the substance could potentially fight cancer and Alzheimer's disease. But then the press announced that the source of youth had been discovered!

Indeed, more was expected of him than the fight against disease. A calorie-restricted diet launches the mechanism of healing the body from many chronic diseases. Sirtuins are activated during the diet. Resveratrol activates sirtuins and essentially mimics this diet, but without calorie restriction. It is resveratrol that is thought to be responsible for " french paradox» - with fatty foods and wine consumption, health remains in good condition.
March 8, 2013 magazine Science published a paper describing the exact mechanism of action of sirtuin. David Sinclair, founder of Sitris in an article in Boston Globe noted that the end of the debate about the role of sirtuin was put: a new study categorically confirmed the effect of this substance. The article said that Sitris researchers are preparing reports on the substance's success in two clinical trials, one for type 2 diabetes and psoriasis.

Less than a week later, on March 13, 2103, GlaxoSmithKline announces the closure of the Sitris office: on paper, it remains, but, in general, dissolves into the company. This caused a lot of questions, but GSK speakers assured that research on sirtuin would continue. Several sirtuin formulas have failed experiments, but this is a normal process. On the other hand, research in other countries and universities continues to bring great news about sirtuins (I wrote earlier in this blog: ).

So: on the one hand, there is a natural molecule that has undergone many studies and has shown its effectiveness, at least in part, and, on the other hand, GSK follows the path of complex charades, inventing a synthetic substance that can be patented. Meanwhile, time is ticking; it is clear that the company is exploring many paths, and the innovative path is great, but what about what is already known? The new drug will have ten years of research, with an unknown outcome. Resveratrol has already come most of the way, and even its most ardent critics have not shown that it is absolutely useless, so there is something to build on.

Maybe it's the "bad karma" of resveratrol? He managed to find himself in the center of several scandals - in one, top managers of GSK, former leaders of Sitris, were involved in an ugly story with online sales of one of the resveratrol formulas. In another, a researcher at the University of Connecticut was accused of tampering with hundreds of studies on the molecule, and resveratrol research was severely damaged. It seems that GSK, having bought Sitris, has got itself anything but a fountain of youth. The reputation of resveratrol does not improve and conspiracy theories of Bill Sardi, founder of Resveratrol Partners LLC, which sells one of the formulas of this molecule. According to him, GSK is trying to "push" resveratrol away, due to patenting problems or some other considerations.

I don't want to believe that research is moving this way solely because of the idiocy of individuals, political games, and monetary gain for corporations. While this is going on, drink wine, tea and cocoa, eat curry, chocolate, blueberries and other delights and be healthy.

Previous Parts.

Over the past couple of decades, scientists have managed to discover several signaling routes in animal organisms and regulators responsible for life extension. These include insulin and insulin-like growth factors 1 (IGF-1), mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin) And sirtuins. Sirtuin 1 ( Sitruin 1), is a protein encoded in humans by the SIRT1 gene. There's enough research on this protein, gene, and activation to fill a truck today, and it's still not enough, of course.

We are only interested in one aspect of the work of this complex - life extension. Sirtuins have been found working to adapt metabolism to changes in diet and maintain homeostasis in mammals. For example, activation of the gene encoding these proteins has been found under conditions of restricted nutrition. A simplified explanation is that when the body is in conditions of limited nutrition, the body tries to regulate and partially preserve its activity through this complex, which leads to positive changes, in particular to prolongation of life and rejuvenation. By the way, for the first time the concept of food restriction as a method of achieving good health and long life was formulated by Ekiken Kaibara, a Japanese philosopher, in 1713. He died the following year at the age of 84, which was very good by the standards of the 18th century.

This is why many people's hopes lie with a calorie-restricted diet. That is why even greater hopes were associated with methods and components that could mimic such a diet in the body - for example, activity resveratrol, a molecule whose action in the body leads to the activation / deactivation of some of the same genes as in a calorie-restricted diet.

What happens if you mimic the effect of diet directly, by producing sirtuin in the body? In the September issue of the magazine Cell Metabolism, Professor Shin-ichiro Imai and colleagues published a paper (Satoh et al., 2013), which answered this question.

A food-restricted diet significantly increases Sirt1 protein levels and induces neuronal activation in dorsomedial And lateral hypothalamic nucleus (dorsomedial and lateral hypothalamic nuclei), which does not occur in the Sirt1-deficient mouse. It is hypothesized that these changes in the hypothalamus protect the aging-associated decline in mitochondrial function in skeletal muscle, changes in physical activity, body temperature, oxygen consumption, and sleep quality.
To study the work of sirtuin, a mouse was created with overexpression of the SIRT1 gene in most body tissues and a BRASTO mouse ( brain-specific Sit1-overexpressing) – where increased sirtuin production occurs only in the brain.

Whole body overexpressing SIRT1 mice did not show any significant life extension. But BRASTO lived up to expectations. Professor Imai and his team showed that a 20-month-old rat (the equivalent of a 70-year-old human) had similar health and activity scores to a 5-month-old rat (20-year-old human). On average, life expectancy increased by 16% for females and 9% for males. If you transfer this to people, then this is equivalent to 14 additional years for women and 7 years for men. In other words, for women it would mean life extension up to 100 years, for men - up to 80 and a half.

Moreover, mice could eat as much as they wanted, without any restriction, at any time. BRASTO mice slept better and sounder. Death from cancer for them was delayed, compared with the control group. Imai noticed that the changes are not about slowing down the aging process, but about postponing it; the aging rate did not change.

Above: A model of the role of hypothalamic Sirt1 in the regulation of aging and life extension in mammals. In the hypothalamus, specifically the dorsomedial and lateral hypothalamic nuclei, Sirt1 upregulates Ox2r (orexin type 2 receptor) expression and neuronal activation. Increased neuronal activation in the hypothalamus stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and supports skeletal muscle mitochondrial function, as well as tones physical activity, body temperature, and oxygen consumption. At the same time, the “young” quality of sleep is maintained during the aging process. All this maintains the physiological characteristics inherent in youth and leads to the extension of life.

This is undoubtedly an interesting discovery that will serve as a starting point for many studies. In practice, for a person, now this means almost nothing: it is impossible to be born again with increased expression of some gene in the pituitary gland. It is also not yet possible to change the expression of this gene using chemical or physical methods. But I'm interested in the possibility of such a specific activation of the hypothalamus through purely psychological methods, and a couple of ideas have come up that I'm going to test. The advantage of such methods is that you can not be limited to one phenomenon - the light did not converge on the sirtuins. One of the ideas concerns neural feedback - the ability to “enthrall” the brain with the idea of ​​rejuvenation and life extension with the help of EEG (and not only). Of course, I don't have the ability to monitor the activation of proteins in the hypothalamus, but as you can see, there are many other second-order variables. Yes, I'm going to start right now...

Satoh, A., Brace, Cynthia S., Rensing, N., Cliften, P., Wozniak, David F., Herzog, Erik D., . . . Imai, S.-i. (2013). Sirt1 Extends Life Span and Delays Aging in Mice through the Regulation of Nk2 Homeobox 1 in the DMH and LH. Cell metabolism, 18(3), 416-430.

Singer Adele has changed a lot! At the latest Music Awards ceremony, the star impressed fans with an updated figure. How did she do it?

Adele does not hide, thanks to which nutrition system she has lost so much weight. She followed the sirtuin diet suggested by Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten. Its essence is in the use of products that activate the production of special proteins, sirtuins (SIRT1) in the body. According to the authors of this nutrition system, this allows you to lose weight by an average of 3.5 kg in the first week and by 0.5-1 kg in all subsequent ones. And not only to lose weight! Sirtuin has long been recognized as a longevity protein that counteracts many of the body's aging factors.

How appropriate is such a diet for weight loss and rejuvenation, and is it suitable for everyone?

Sirtuins for weight loss and rejuvenation

The authors of the sirtuin diet claim that thanks to this eating plan, you will lose fat, not muscle mass. What is the reason for this phenomenon? “The fact is that the sirtuin protein is involved in glucose metabolism,” says Vladimir Rolkov, general practitioner, valeologist. - According to recent studies, the abundance of foods with a high glycemic index in the human diet leads to weight gain. If fats still need to be broken down into their constituent parts for further processing, then glucose is a simple substance that can easily be stored in reserve. Sirtuin proteins rearrange metabolic processes so that part of the glucose entering the body is immediately sent to the muscles, where it is burned. Of course, you need to understand that simple sugars are utilized in movement or during the period of muscle recovery after a power load. Therefore, without physical activity, sirtuins will not give an effect.

The second aspect of the action of sirtuin proteins is the prolongation of youth and the prevention of age-related diseases. In this case, proteins work at the genetic level, activating some sections of DNA and turning off those that are not currently needed (often these are defective genes that may not have the best effect on metabolism and cause weight gain or the development of age-related diseases) . “Currently, there is a lot of talk about the protection and repair of DNA (over time, damage accumulates in it) with the help of certain foods,” says Mikhail Gavrilov, Ph.D., author of a patented method for correcting eating behavior and weight loss, a member of the Institute functional medicine (IFM, USA). - Products that stimulate the production of sirtuin are just one of them. This protein ensures the activity and viability of the genes that are responsible for DNA repair.”

What is the essence of the sirtuin diet

It is based on healthy and tasty foods rich in substances that stimulate the production of sirtuin: all leafy and green vegetables, citrus fruits, wild berries (blueberries, strawberries, blueberries), apples, soybeans, olives and olive oil, red onions, red wine and bitter chocolate (85%). It is on them that the emphasis should be placed. And from the second week - supplement the menu with low-fat animal proteins (preferably fish or seafood, as well as light "milk") and cereals (buckwheat we love is in favor).

In total, the diet lasts three weeks. The first of them is the most ascetic. You limit your diet to 1000 kcal per day. Moreover, you can afford only one full-fledged meal per day, composed mainly of the above products. Three times a day, you should drink the so-called green juices rich in sirtuin. You can compose them to your liking by combining greens, leafy vegetables and fruits, such as apples.

The remaining two weeks are a kind of light option. The calorie content of the diet can be raised to 1500 kcal per day. You will be given three full meals, each of which should contain dishes from foods that stimulate the production of sirtuin. Many of these dishes are quite satisfying, such as salmon steak with vegetables or buckwheat noodles with shrimp and green salad, for dessert - a small slice of dark chocolate. And again, you can not do without sirtuin juice: you need to drink it once a day.

“Often, this diet is positioned in the media as a way to lose weight with the help of red wine and dark chocolate,” comments Katya Tsvetova, a nutritionist who competes in the bikini fitness category. - I also do not forbid my clients wine and chocolate at the stage of diet restructuring. But imagine how many of these products you can fit into 1000 or even 1500 kcal?

Simple math: 100 grams of chocolate already has over 500 calories. So a piece of this delicacy in this case will be microscopic. Most of the time, people who follow this diet sit on vegetables and greens.”

Pros and Cons of the Sirtuin Diet

By reducing the calorie content of the diet and eating greens, apples, low-fat animal products, you will, of course, lose weight. “If you cut the diet to 1000 calories per day, and even add physical activity, a person will begin to lose weight on any food,” adds Katya Tsvetova. “Even if he only drinks red wine and eats chocolate or something like that. You won’t last long on such a diet - this is stress for the body. Therefore, it was limited to a week.

It is a mistake to think that with a lack of calories, the body will immediately begin to use fat reserves. During the first week, you will lose weight mainly due to the removal of excess fluid. In the first few days, the body will receive additional energy by breaking down glycogen in muscle tissue. It is easier and faster than extracting it from fats. And only on the fourth or fifth day of the diet, fats will also begin to melt.

Confuses nutritionists and a significant restriction of calorie intake. With such a strong decrease in it, the body enters a mode of total economy, slowing down the speed of all metabolic processes. After increasing the calorie content of the diet, you run the risk of quickly gaining lost kilograms. “Reducing the caloric content of the diet to certain reasonable limits is the key to your harmony and longevity,” explains Mikhail Gavrilov. - Reducing it below certain accepted standards must be agreed with the doctor. I would advise practicing short periods of fasting (from 16 to 24 hours). This time is enough to remove biological debris from the cell - ballast substances that cause damage and deformation. Such substances, for example, include homocysteine, amyloid peptides, cholesterol, and many others.”

The main disadvantage of this power supply system is its short duration. What to do after you have sat on such a diet for three weeks is not clear. The authors of the sirtuin diet suggest resorting to it as needed for recovery and weight correction. “The proposed diet can hardly be called satisfying,” comments Mikhail Gavrilov. - After such diets, breakdowns and the so-called yo-yo effect are inevitable. She will not change her eating habits, but it is with their correction that you should start if you want to maintain the results of losing weight for a long time.

Certainly, products with sirtuin are beneficial for our health and weight maintenance. However, you should not rely only on them if you want to maintain your harmony and youth. Be sure to include them in your diet, but do not forget about the basic rules of rational nutrition.

Wonderful! All set aside spoons full of soft mascarpone cheese, caviar and all on a low calorie cracker? We got on the scales. They sighed heavily. And they said to themselves: tomorrow a diet and a lot of water and also a gym. Yes! Then, I share my scientific sketch. Today, during a live broadcast of the program “Family Doctor”, dedicated to the fundamental processes of aging, the host of the program, an endocrinologist, asked me: What do you think about sirtuin proteins?

Until this moment, I didn’t think much about sirtuin proteins, to be honest. But the question implies an answer, and immediately after the broadcast, my consciousness was captured by the doctrine of sirtuins, and this is what I learned.

Along with popular theories of aging, which include:





    "Theory of Mistake"

    There are a number of studies that accumulate all theories at once, but put forward new participants. One of them is protein - sertuin.

    The theory is that overexpression (excessive production by cells) of this protein leads to longevity. The catch was that this has been proven in nematodes (worms) and fruit flies (flies), but a person draws knowledge from nature. How can you synthesize a lot of sirtuin in humans? The scientists asked. And after going through a series of trial and error, they discovered a most curious fact:

    « Finally, the researchers retested the claim that dietary restriction increases lifespan through sirtuin activation. Experiments on mutant flies lacking the sirtuin gene have shown that food restriction still increases lifespan. So this factor worked independently of sirtuin.”

    The conclusion is bad for sirtuin researchers, but exceptionally good for dieters tomorrow.

    You do not just lose extra pounds, but increase life expectancy. According to study leader Dr David Gems and colleagues at the Institute of Healthy Aging at University College London.”

    Where do we start?

    With bare calculation and analysis. According to various sources, to normalize weight and physiologically limit nutrition, it is necessary to consume from 3 to 9 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. But no more than 30 g of pure protein per dose. Wide range. Lots of input. The task turns out to be overwhelming. You don’t need to count blueberry pasta for a cup of cappuccino - so it’s clear that it’s harmful, but proteins must be counted very carefully, and blueberry pasta wins more often.

    Conclusion? Localize foods that are high in protein and low in fat. Go to the nearest supermarket and buy products according to the list, and then combine them exclusively, in different variations, forgetting the word diet.

    Let me bore you a little by reminding you what it is:

    cottage cheese







    yogurt without additives

    green beans ..... and a complete list of green vegetables .....

    Do you know this? Of course yes. And you know for sure about the necessary 1.5 liters of water per day and tea, coffee and wine are not considered liquid. The question is not how to fully limit nutrition, but how to limit it in principle. A habit is formed in 28 days, recommended in smart books. We write our list, learn how to cook it deliciously, and most importantly, remember that any breakdown is not a reason not to return to the list.

    We are not fighting for a Givenchy XS dress, but for youth in its truest sense. Thank you protein sirtuin.

Squirrels sirtuins thought to significantly increase the lifespan of a number of organisms and even become the target of anti-aging creams, in fact, have nothing to do with the aging process. This is evidenced by a new study funded by the Wellcome Trust and the European Union.

Gene activity sirtuina has been associated by scientists with aging and longevity in organisms commonly used as models for the biology of human aging—yeasts, nematode worms, and fruit flies. The researchers concluded that overexpression of this gene significantly increases the lifespan of these animals (by as much as 50 percent in nematode worms).

In addition, a number of studies have established an association between sirtuins and food restriction. A low-calorie diet increases the lifespan of many organisms, including some mammals. Experiments have shown that this occurs due to the activation of the synthesis of sirtuins.

The results of these studies, of course, could not but arouse great interest from both the scientific community and the media. The gene encoding sirtuin has already been dubbed the “longevity gene”. There are a number of cosmetic products containing resveratrol A plant-derived substance found in minute amounts in red wine that was thought to activate sirtuins. However, subsequent studies raised serious doubts about the scientific correctness of these results.

In a magazine just published Nature The article provides almost undeniable evidence that the effect of increasing the lifespan of animals, observed in earlier works, is in fact not associated with sirtuin.

Head of research doctor David James(David Gems) and colleagues from the Institute of Healthy Aging at University College London, together with scientists from the University of Washington in Seattle and Semmelweis University in Budapest, conducted a series of experiments on two strains of genetically modified worms Caenorhabditis elegans. Both strains have previously been used in two different studies. In the organisms of such worms, the sirtuin gene is hyperactive.

As expected, worms of both strains lived longer than wild-type controls. However, after every effort was made to ensure that the only difference between the control and modified animals was an increased level of sirtuin, it was found that the lifespan extension effect had disappeared. This meant that some other genetic factors were responsible for it. In one of the two strains, the longevity-prolonging effect is likely due to a mutation in a gene involved in the development of nerve cells, the scientists suggest.

Then, in collaboration with their colleagues from the University of Michigan, the British scientists moved on to experiments on transgenic fruit flies. Drosophila melanogaster with high levels of sirtuin. This transgenic model was also the subject of a study showing that overexpression of the sirtuin gene increases the lifespan of flies.

Scientists have been able to show that other genetic factors are responsible for the longevity of flies. In addition, they created a new strain of Drosophila with even higher levels of sirtuin expression. However, these flies did not become centenarians.

Attempts to activate synthetic fruit fly sirtuin with resveratrol also ended in complete failure. Neither the British nor the American laboratories, using different techniques, were able to demonstrate any activation.

Finally, the researchers retested the claim that dietary restriction increases lifespan through sirtuin activation. Experiments on mutant flies lacking the sirtuin gene have shown that food restriction still increases lifespan. Thus, this factor worked independently of sirtuin.

“These are amazing results. We rechecked the key experiments linking sirtuin to animal longevity, and in none of them did sirtuin hold up under scrutiny. Sirtuins are by no means the key to longevity and have nothing to do with increasing lifespan. But in a sense, this is good news: after all, revisiting old ideas is just as important to scientific progress as coming up with new ones. Our work should help to redirect scientific efforts to those processes that really control the aging process,” commented Dr. James on the results of the research.

During the first week it takes about 3.2 kg; further - 0.5-1 kg per week.

What promises?

During the first week it takes about 3.2 kg; further - 0.5-1 kg per week until the weight reaches the desired mark. “The most striking thing about this diet is that weight loss does not remove muscle mass,” say the authors of the Sirtuin Diet, Aiden Goggins and Glen Matten. “In fact, those who follow such a diet, on the contrary, gained 0.5-1 kg of muscle mass.” Fat leaves problem areas, especially in the waist area, muscle tone is maintained normally.

Who founded?

Pharmacist and nutritionist Goggins and nutritionist Dr. Matten. Information about the Sirtuin diet was published this year. Sports stars such as heavyweight boxing champion David Haye and rugby player James Haskell are the diet's proponents.

How it works?

The sirtuin diet should begin with a seven-day "hyper-success phase" that will serve as a good incentive to get in shape. During the first three days, you need to consume 1000 kcal per day: drink green juices rich in sirtuin three times a day (cabbage, arugula, parsley, Japanese matcha green tea powder), and consume "sirtuin" food once (for example, fried king prawns with buckwheat noodles and dark chocolate containing 85% cocoa).

From the 4th to the 7th day, the daily intake of kilocalories increases to 1500; the diet includes two green juices and two meals (for example, breakfast may consist of muesli made from wheat flakes, dates, strawberries and natural yogurt).

The second phase of the diet is called "supportive" and lasts 14 days. It consists of three sirtuin meals and one green juice. The first and second phases must be repeated periodically, regardless of whether there is excess weight. The "top 20" sirtuin-rich foods include cocoa, coffee, red wine, soy, and strawberries.

Scientific confirmation

"The sirtuin diet is based on a recently discovered group of sirtuin-rich foods that can speed up the body's metabolism, allowing for efficient fat burning," Goggins and Matten say. "The way these foods work is that these foods activate specific genes - sirtuins, known as 'weight loss genes' - the same genes that are activated during exercise and fasting."

The sirtuin diet protects and stimulates the muscles, thereby helping to achieve a slim figure. This diet makes our cells healthy and strong, and in addition to everything, we get clear skin, a burst of energy and good health.

Result in a short time

Focus not on what you have removed, but on what you have added to your diet. Continue to eat your favorite foods, and include sirtuin foods such as dark chocolate (85%), green tea and coffee in your diet for better results.

Summer Fitness Tips

“There is no need to harass yourself on the treadmill for hours or use additional equipment: you only need 15-30 minutes of exercise to achieve the result. The diet will do the rest. Combine aerobic exercise with weight training, such as knee raises, push-ups, lunges, arm exercises, and side-to-side body movements. Do each exercise for 20 seconds, then take a break for 40 seconds. Rest 60 seconds after each block of exercises. Repeat each block 4-6 times. Find yourself a friend - doing exercises together is more fun - and go!